トウーリ パピルス
The Tulli Papyrus


Tuthmosis III under Hatshepsut.
Thutmose III (Menkheperre) 1504 - 1450


例えば、サムエル・ローゼンバーグの「UFOの歴史」、そこにアルバート・トウーリ教授、前バチカンエジプト博物館館長の書類の中のパピルス写本からのものもふくまれるが、数々の想定される古代のUFO遭遇が描かれている。そこにトトメスV(Thutmosis III)の時代のUFO遭遇について書かれていて、トレンチより引用としている。(Trench, Brinsley Le Poer, The Flying Saucer Story, London: Spearman, 1966).
(1966年、ロンドン、スペアーマン:フライングソーサーストーリー: トレンチ・ブリンスレー・レ・ポーレ)

The so-called Tulli Papyrus is oft cited as evidence of visitations to Egypt by "ancient astronauts;" indeed, any mention of Alberto Tulli and his alleged papyrus appears to be restricted to popular UFO-related literature.

For example, in "UFOs in History," Samuel Rosenberg describes a number of supposed ancient UFO sightings including one "from a papyrus manuscript found among the papers of the late Professor Alberto Tulli, former director of the Vatican Egyptian Museum." It involves a "UFO sighting sometime during the reign" of Thutmosis III, cited by Trench (Trench, Brinsley Le Poer, The Flying Saucer Story, London: Spearman, 1966).

記事によると、バチカンの前館長、アルバート・トウーリ教授(故人)は古代エジプトの時代、はるか昔、パピルスに記載されたフライングソーサーの編隊のもっとも古い記録を所有する。パピルスは損傷しており数ヶ所が欠落していたが、プリンス ボリス・デ・ラケウィルツ(Prince Boris de Rachewiltz)は何とかそれを翻訳し、パピルスはトトモスVの年代記(記録)の部分であると宣言した。

According to the story, the former director of the Egyptian Museum at the Vatican, one Professor Alberto Tulli (now deceased) had among his papers "the earliest known record of a fleet of flying saucers written on papyrus long, long, ago in ancient Egypt." Though the papyrus was damaged and contained several gaps, a certain Prince Boris de Rachewiltz managed to translate it and declared that the papyrus "was part of the Annals of Thutmose III." Following is a translation of the papyrus:

Prince Boris de Rachewiltz:

プリンス・ボリス・デ・ラケウィルツ: 有名なエジプト歴史家

a well know Egyptian Art Historian, Prince Boris de Rachewiltz





In the year 22, in the third month of winter, in the sixth hour of the day, the scribes of the House of Life noticed a circle of fire that was coming from the sky [...] From the mouth it emitted a foul breath. It had no head. Its body was one rod long and one rod wide.1 It had no voice. And from that the hearts of the scribes became confused and they threw themselves down on their bellies [...] then they reported the thing to the Pharaoh [...] His Majesty ordered [...] has been examined [...] and he was meditating on what had happened, that it was recorded in the scrolls of the House of the Life. Now after some days had passed, these things became more and more numerous in the skies. Their splendor exceeded that of the sun and extended to the limits of the four angles of the sky [...] High and wide in the sky was the position from which these fire circles came and went. The army of the Pharaoh looked on with him in their midst. It was after supper. Then these fire circles ascended higher into the sky and they headed toward the south. Fish and birds then fell from the sky. A marvel never before known since the foundation of their land [...] And Pharaoh caused incense to be brought to make peace with Earth2 [...] and what happened was ordered to be written in the Annals of the House of Life so that it be remembered for all time forward.

1. One rod, or "rod of cord," equals 100 cubits.
2. I.e., the altar sacred to Amon-Ra.

 ローゼンバーグ(上記)が、パピルスとボリス・デ・ラケウィルツの翻訳に関してさらなる情報を求めて、バチカン博物館のエジプトセクションに対して送ったパピルスの確実性の問い合わせに、バチカン博物館のエジプトセクション検査官ジャンフランコ ノリ(Gianfranco Noll)次のようには答えた。

Questioning the authenticity of the papyrus, Rosenberg (cited above) writes that a cable was sent to the "Egyptian section of the Vatican Museum seeking more information about both the 'papyrus' and the 'de Rachewiltz translation.'" The Inspector to Egyptian Vatican Museum, Gianfranco Nolli, sent the following reply:

トウーリ パピルスはバチカン博物館の所有ではない。今は分散して追跡不可能である。
Papyrus Tulli not propriety [sic] of Vatican Museum. Now it is dispersed and no more traceable.

別の問い合わせがワルサー・ランバーグ博士(Dr. Walter Ramberg)、ローマのアメリカ大使館 科学公使になされて、次のように答えている。

Another inquiry was sent to Dr. Walter Ramberg, Scientific Attache at the US embassy in Rome, who replied:


... the current Director of the Egyptian Section of the Vatican Museum, Dr. Nolli, said that Prof. Tulli had left all his belongings to a brother of his who was a priest in the Lateran Palace. Presumably the famous papyrus went to this priest. Unfortunately the priest died also in the meantime and his belongings were dispersed among heirs, who may have disposed of the papyrus as something of little value.


The papyrus is lost, its guardian Alberto Tulli was apparently at best an amateur Egyptologist, and its translator Prince de Rachelwitz remains the only authority upon whose word alone we must trust as an accurate report of its contents. I think that it is safe to say that the authenticity of the "Tulli Papyrus" can be dismissed due to a lack of any solid evidence that it ever existed at all.

Catchpenny Mysteries c copyright 2001 by Larry Orcutt.

CREDIT:Larry Orcutt




 トレンチ・ブリンスレー・レ・ポーレTrench, Brinsley Le Poer:



It will be remembered that other images of UFOs and alien type figures and astronauts also featured on the stones at Ica, whose origins are lost in the depths of time.

One of the earliest ‘UFO’ reports came from Ancient Egypt. Writer Brinsley Le Poer Trench (left) quotes in his book ‘Sky People’ from a papyrus found amongst the papers of Professor Alberto Tulli, former director of the Egyptian museum at the Vatican. The papyrus was from the original annals of Pharaoh Thutmose III (d.1436BCE), the grandfather of the intrepid Thutmose IV who had investigated the pyramids. Unfortunately it was badly damaged with many of the hieroglyphics being unreadable. Despite this Prince Boris de Rachewiltz was still able to offer a translation:


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