

Atlantis OV104(アトランティスOV104)
Launch: Thursday, May 11, 2000    6:11 AM (eastern time)
2000年5月11日(木) 06:11am(米東部時間)打ち上げ



Commander: James D. Halsell
Pilot: Scott J. Horowitz
Mission Specialist 1: Mary Ellen Weber
Mission Specialist 2: Jeffrey N. Williams
Mission Specialist 3: James S. Voss
Mission Specialist 4: Susan J. Helms
Mission Specialist 5: Yuri V. Usachev

  1. ミッション:国際宇宙ステーション物資補給及び修理
  2. シャトル名:アトランティス
  3. 打上げ台: 39-A(ケネディ宇宙センタ-)
  4. 打上げ日時:5月19日
  5. 帰  還: 5月29日
  6. 軌道滞在期間:9日20時間
Mission Highlights
Mission: International Space Station Flight 2A.2a
Shuttle: Atlantis
Launch Pad: 39A
Launch: May 19, 2000,
5:11 a.m. CDT
Window: 5 minutes
Docking: May 20, 2000
11:31 p.m. CDT
EVA: 1 space walk
Undocking: May 26, 2000
6:03 p.m. CDT
Landing: May 29, 2000
1:20 a.m. CDT
Duration: 9 days, 20 hours, 9 minutes
Orbit Altitude: 173 nautical miles
Orbit Inclination: 51.6 degrees
Miles Traveled: 4.1 million




By the 26th of May 2000, the
STS-101 mission to theISS was completed.  The Shuttle was undocked from the Space Station for a fly around inspection, and return to Earth.  During this operation, there were seen in space round the Shuttle and the Station some of the usual objects, such as ice chips and debris.  What is even more interesting is that there were other objects present which don't fit the description of ice and debris.  Let's take a look at some of the things seen, shall we?

Shuttle is un-docked from ISS, and is performing the usual fly-around for visual inspection of the exterior.  Here we see an ordinary ice chip passing in front of the payload bay camera.

In this view we can spot what is known as an airy disc.  Note the ring, or doughnut shape.  This is caused by the small piece of ice or debris being so close to the camera that it is out of focus, thus rendering this shape.

Now, in comparison with the previous two pictures, we see that here is something completely different.  The camera operator was casting about with his camera, and "accidentally" caught this view of a group of unknowns.


Once again, an object seen by accident.  This one is distinctly bell shaped, and can be seen to have a shadow under it.  What it is precisely, this writer cannot say.  There was definately something strange going on during the STS-101 un-docking operation.

本物のAirly Disk

Spinning UFO passes the Shuttle

Gamma filter applied to spinning UFO

クリック ビデオ:インターナショナルスペースステーション

NASA animation with narration shows Atlantis approaching and docking to the International Space Station and later separating for return to Earth.
  PLAY (249k, 1min, 04sec QuickTime file)

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