




Commander: Terrence Wilcutt
Pilot: Scott D. Altman
Mission Specialist 1: Edward T. Lu
Mission Specialist 2: Richard A. Mastracchio
Mission Specialist 3: Daniel C. Burbank
Mission Specialist 4: Yuri I. Malenchenko
Mission Specialist 5: Boris V. Morukov

Mission Highlights
Mission: International Space Station Flight 2A.2b
Shuttle: Atlantis
Launch Pad: 39B
Launch: Sept. 8, 2000
7:46 a.m. CDT
Window: 2 ス minutes
Docking: Sept. 10, 2000 12:51 a.m. CDT
EVA: 1 space walk
Undocking: Sept. 17, 2000 10:46 p.m. CDT
Landing: Sept. 20, 2000 2:56 a.m. CDT
Duration: 11 days, 19 hours, 10 minutes
Orbit Altitude: 177 nautical miles
Orbit Inclination: 51.6 degrees

  STS-106(ミッション)は人間の乗らないインターナショナルスペースステーション(ISS)への最後のシャトルのフライトであった。このミッションにおいて、ザイヤ(Zaiya Sunrise)と新しいサービスモジュールのズベズダ(Zvezda[ Star])の間に最終的な接続がなされた。2000年9月15日の午後(CST時間)、アトランティスは軌道上もっとも南のポイントにいた。ローカルタイムは日没時であり、シャトルは南アメリカの南部の先端に位置していた。すべてが形通りの業務であった。

STS-106was the final Shuttle flight to an unmanned International Space Station(ISS).   On this mission, the final connectons were made between the Zarya (Sunrise) and the new service module named Zvezda (Star).   On the afternoon (CST) of 15 September 2000,  Atlantis was on the southern most point of her orbit.   Local time was sunset, and the Shuttle was over the bottom tip of South America.  All was pretty much routine.

    At this time, the payload bay camera was in use, sending down live views of sunset from space.  As Atlantis made her way east toward the Atlantic Ocean, a white object appeared in the camera field of view.  It was silhouetted against the dark face of the Earth below.  The object stayed in one spot relative to Shuttle.  After a moment or two, NASA cut the feed to the public, retaining the downlink picture in Mission Control Centre.   What someone at NASA forgot, was that we could still see the anomaly on the television screen and the front of the control room.  Below are some still shots from the video. 


The anomalous object is seen here in the white circle.  The blackness in the back ground is the dark face of Earth just after sunset on the ground.  Since the object is seen against the Earth, it cannot be the Moon, Planets, or stars.

Moments later, the object continues to maintain it's position exactly.

Later still, NASA has cut the live downlink to the public, and resorted to the safe control room scene.  But is it as safe as all that?  The live TV is still seen on the screen at the front of the room, and the object is STILL there.  I doubt if it was intended for us to see this.
今彼らはついに見つけ、そしてテレビ放送のすべてを削除した。このショットはライブのテレビ放送がカットされた数秒後のもので、アトランティスは南アメリカの南端の、ティエラ デル フエゴ(Tierra Del Fuego)上空を通過している。

Now they have caught on, and eliminated the TV link altogether.  This shot is from just seconds after the live TV was cut, and Atlantis had just passed over Tierra Del Fuego, at the southern tip of South America.

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