Commander: Charles J. Precourt
Pilot: Eileen M. Collins
Mission Specialist 1: C. Michael Foale
Mission Specialist 2: Carlos I. Noriega
Mission Specialist 3: Edward T. Lu,
Mission Specialist 4: Jean-Francois Clervoy
Mission Specialist 5: Elena V. Kondakova
Download from Mir
Jerry M. Linenger
NOTE: C. Michael Foale will will stay aboard Mir, replacing
Jerry M. Linenger who will have arrived on Mir from STS-81.




This still is after the object has hoverd for about 5seconds before moving off.  As we can see from the track to the left (green)of Mir this is the course that the object should be following, but yet we can see that the object has had a huge change in direction and is now moving away on a NEW track (blue).
The Object is moving from Right to Left.  The direction which the object should follow is made clear by the green track.
Here we can see that the object is closer to Mir, and at this point the object stops and hovers

These are the first collection of objects that fly all the way across the screen

As the camera moves down we can see a second collection of three object close in on Mir
The middle object stops and hovers just below and right of Mir
Here we can see the object in hover is quite bright next to Mir
We can now see that the object has moved after a hover of about 5 seconds, the object is now near the top Solar Panels
方向転換の連続:これは我々が「方向転換の連続」(bend sequence)と呼ぶ出来事の連続写真からのスチール写真だ。ジェームス オバーグが述べたこのような動きは説明がつかないと言った意味があなたにも分かるでしょう。

The "Bend" Sequence:  These are a selection of stills we have taken from the sequrnce of events we are calling the "bend sequence", you can read here how James Oberg has said that this sort of movement is "harder to explane".

This first still shows the object at the bottom of the screen, this object is quite a large pulsating.

The GREEN dots are the course we have plotted out for which the object should travel if it were ice or debris.

This still is only seconds after the first, and we can see that the object seems to be keeping it's course of direction.

On a TV secreen the object travels about 1 inch up before the change of direction is noticeable

Here we can see how the object has left the GREEN course of direction it was travelling .

The object is now more to the right and we have shown is direction of movement with a RED line.

This shot makes it very clear to see that the object is  on a New Course of direction to the one it was first travelling.

クリック:ビデオ画像 STS-84 ミールとドッキング


STS - 84は1997年5月15日に打ち上げられ、1997年5月24日帰還した。
この塗料の説はかつてSTS-84フイルムに提出された最悪のものだ。この例は我々にいわゆる「専門家」と言われる人達が事実を見ていない、あるいは偏見があるということを示す。 シェフィールド大学の天文学長が、もしフィルムをよく見て注意深く耳を傾けるなら、ミッションコントロールがシャトルとミールの距離が2800フィート(約850m)であると確認しているのを聞いたであろう。そしてもしフィルムに現れたように、ミールの後ろを通過したオブジェクトがどうして塗料の薄片であり、2800フィートも離れたところから見えるのか・・・「専門家」はフイルムを十分注意深く見ていないか、塗料と呼ばれるオブジェクトが彼をおかしくしているのだ。2800フィート先でも見える塗料の小片は「塗料の小片」のおばけだ。


STS-84 was launched 15th May 1997, and landed 24th May 1997. (clickhere for more information about
the mission.) 
As with all of the NASA missions we are looking at on this site, we are sure that nobody was expecting to find the various objects that we have decided to talk about, and show you.

On the STS-84 mission footage there are several objects that are of interest to us.  We have picked the
two that we have been looking at more closely, as we feel that these are not so easy to explane as ice or debris.

Events start to happen after the shuttle has un-docked from Mir, and both the shuttle and Mir are
seperating at a steady speed and course.  A few minutes after the separation, we start to see several objects that are travelling from right/centre of the screen, to the left side of our screen, where Mir is positioned.
Several objects fly past without incident, and many of these, if not all could be explaned away as ice or debris, as they do nothing strange or out of the ordinary.  It is the second collection of three objects that really catches the eye.  These three almost come in a formation with one object Top, Middle, and Bottom
as we look at the screen.
All three are travelling at roughly the same speed and direction.  All are travelling from right of screen, to
left of screen.  When they get close to Mir, it is the object in the middle that does something truely
amazing.  As the objects close in on Mir, the objects at top and bottom continue on their course.  The middle object STOPS, and HOVERS below Mir for 4-5 seconds before flying off on a NEW course.  This object also appears to pass BEHIND Mir on it's new course, but we are not certain of this.
I am sure we will agree that this object needed some sort of power to stop and hover, and some more
power to push itself off in a new direction.
Now it wont take long until the "ice" explanation starts, or even better yet, they might be labeled "tiny flakes of paint".  This was the case with the head of Astronomy at Sheffield Univerirty, who actualy went on National TV (UK), and called these objects "flakes of paint".
At yet another University, one of the Professors who had a copy of all our NASA tapes for SIX weeks, said
he "found the footage very interesting, and he could not explain it, but that did not mean it could not be explained".
The paint explanation had to be the worst ever offered for the STS 84 footage.  This example tells us that 
the so called "experts" don't look at the facts, or the footage without bias.  If the head of Astronomy at Sheffield University had looked at, and listened to the footage carefully, he would have heard Mission
Control confirm the distance between the Shuttle and Mir as 2800 feet.  And if, as appears on the footage, one of the objects flys behind Mir, how can these be paint flakes, and visible at a distance of 2800 the "expert" has not viewed the footage carefully, or he would have realised that calling these objects "paint" makes him appear a fool.  A paint fleck visible at 2800 feet is a HUGE "fleck of paint".
So with the STS 84 footage, we have several things to think about:
1) How can this object stop and hover?
2) How does it push itself off in a new direction?
3) And does it fly behind Mir?
The object moves about 1 inch on the screen before moving away on a gentle bend to the right, where it disappears.  This object may also be 2800 feet away from the camera, and the Shuttle.  Not only is it
large, but it is doing the one thing that James Oberg says is HARD to explain.

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